Unicode Filenames in Batch Files

Important Note on Unicode Filenames and .bat files.  This does not apply if you are calling the AcroPlotRerpo.exe from another program, just though a DOS batch (.bat) file
AcroPlot Repro can easily convert filenames with unicode characters but it appears that Windows itself has problems sending some unicode characters when called from a .bat file. 
The trick is in the first line of your .bat file you need to change the code page that Windows uses to 1250 using the chcp command.  So your .bat file might look something like this.
chcp 1250
"C:\Program Files (x86)\AcroPlotRepro\AcroPlotRepro.exe" -r400x400 -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile="C:\batch\File1.tiff" "C:\batch\File1.pdf"
This information was found on the following website and appears to solve the problem in our testing.