Command Line Calling a Batch FileAcroPlot Repro partially supports calling a batch type file like Ghostscript does. The one difference is that we currently only support passing in the batch filename and then each line in the file must have the complete parameters for the conversion.
To do this you would create a batch file in a text editor say called C:\batch\batchfile.txt and it might contain lines in it like this if we wanted to convert to multiple formats.
-r400x400 -sOutputFile="C:\batch\File1.png" -sDEVICE=png16m "C:\batch\File1.pdf"
-r400x400 -sOutputFile="C:\batch\File1.jpg" -sDEVICE=jpeg "C:\batch\File1.pdf"
Then when you are calling AcroPlot Repro from the command line you pass in the batch filename with an @ sign before it. The programming call would look like this.
"C:\Program Files\AcroPlotRepro\AcroPlotRepro.exe" @"C:\batch\batchfile.txt"